Aggression & Violence in the Workplace

Health & Safety Collection

19 Courses

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Handling Aggression & Violence | Training

Aggression & Violence in the Workplace

In an ideal world, no-one would have to face aggression and violence at all. Unfortunately, many of us are faced with it at work. If you work in a profession where emotions may already be running high, like healthcare or social housing, then knowing what to do when things boil over is vital. Another of our collection of workplace training courses, it contains useful detail about how to handle difficult situations to stay safe.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify warning signs
  • Demonstrate how to handle difficult situations
  • Perform steps to protect yourself from harm
  • Analyse the consequences of inaction

What you will learn

This course is designed to help you avoid aggression and violence, and explains what to do if it does occur. Whether you're an employer, team leader or just someone looking for management support, you�ll be able to identify key warning, analyse the consequences of inaction and take steps to protect yourself and others from harm in the workplace.

Who I this course for

This course is useful for anyone at risk of aggression and violence in the workplace, particularly those who work in healthcare and social housing. But this could happen anywhere, regardless of position or profession, so this is useful workplace training for everyone.


Everyone has the right to learn and learner need can vary demanding on environment or disabilities. This course comes with transcripts so people have text options for an media, subtitles for all videos and is screen reader friendly with alternative text.

We take a number of steps to ensure visuals and navigation is easy for your people. For more information on the steps we take for accessibility check out how we make our courses.

  • Collection
    Health & Safety Collection
  • Course Title
    Aggression & Violence in the Workplace
  • Duration
    15 Min
  • Courses in Collection
    19 Courses

Collection includes:

  • Library of related content
  • Robust management platform
  • Mobile access
  • Tutorials, videos, SCORM Content
  • Microlearning Courses