Defining Hazard and Risk

Health & Safety Collection

19 Courses

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Risk Management | Online Course

Defining Hazard and Risk

Unless you do a dangerous job, going to work might not seem like a risky thing to do. But, we're all likely to face some level of risk in our workplaces. And even though workplace risk might not sound as bad as balancing on a tiny ledge 300 feet up, it could be just as dangerous. So, every workplace needs to keep risk to a minimum, by reducing hazards. This online training course will demystify hazards and risks and show you how successful risk management can stop your workplace from turning into a danger zone.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define hazards and risk in the context of health and safety compliance
  • Complete a scored risk assessment based on the principles of likelihood and impact
  • Identify ways to manage risks in the workplace to minimise danger to employees
  • Apply the risk management cycle to create and maintain a low-risk workplace

What you will learn

Online risk management training is a key topic to keep employees safe in the workplace. This course will tell you about hazards and risk, show you how to do a scored risk assessment, and help you recognize how to manage workplace dangers. You�ll also be able to use the risk management cycle to keep your workplace safe.

Who I this course for

This risk management training course has been designed for managers, team leaders, or those responsible for health and safety in the workplace.


Everyone has the right to learn and learner need can vary demanding on environment or disabilities. This course comes with transcripts so people have text options for an media, subtitles for all videos and is screen reader friendly with alternative text.

We take a number of steps to ensure visuals and navigation is easy for your people. For more information on the steps we take for accessibility check out how we make our courses.

  • Collection
    Health & Safety Collection
  • Course Title
    Defining Hazard and Risk
  • Duration
    15 Min
  • Courses in Collection
    19 Courses

Collection includes:

  • Library of related content
  • Robust management platform
  • Mobile access
  • Tutorials, videos, SCORM Content
  • Microlearning Courses