Fire Safety Awareness

Health & Safety Collection

19 Courses

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Fire Safety Awareness | Online Course

Fire Safety Awareness

Fire is no joke, especially in the workplace. Prevention is always the best place to start, and that includes understanding the fire triangle and how fires come to be. Knowing this will help you take that preventative action and stay safe. Fire safety awareness training is vital in every business, and this course won't just help keep you compliant, it'll keep you and your colleagues alive.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify different types of fire safety equipment and how to use them
  • Describe an emergency escape plan Recognise hazardous substances and mitigate the risks they pose

What you will learn

This fire safety awareness course helps you reduce the risk of fire in your workspace by adjusting your behaviors to comply with fire safety legislation and regulations and storing and using hazardous substances safely. It also helps you identify key fire safety equipment and show you how it's used in the event of an emergency, as well as how to prevent and escape from fires.

Who I this course for

This course is suitable (and vital) for everybody in the workplace to take, but it's particularly useful to Fire Wardens, Fire Marshalls and 'Responsible Persons'.


We're committed to making our training courses accessible to everyone:

  • Courses work on any device
  • We use clear, legible fonts and plain English
  • Podcast versions are available for audio learning
  • Closed captions are available for visuals
  • We meet the international standard for web accessibility
  • Collection
    Health & Safety Collection
  • Course Title
    Fire Safety Awareness
  • Duration
    15 Min
  • Courses in Collection
    19 Courses

Collection includes:

  • Library of related content
  • Robust management platform
  • Mobile access
  • Tutorials, videos, SCORM Content
  • Microlearning Courses